This statement is made in order to inform you in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, numbered 6698 (the Law), by Very Chic Turizm A.Ş. and Ceylan Otelcilik ve Turistik İşletmeler A.Ş. (the Company). You can have access to detailed information concerning the matters included in this Clarification Document via ‘‘the Policy of Protecting and Processing Personal Data’’ included in the following address http://www.verychic.com.tr/kvkk
Within the scope of Law;
Explicit consent: means the consent that is based on being informed about a certain matter and given through free will;
Personal Data: means all kinds of information about a natural person whose identity is clear or can be defined;
Sensitive Personal Data: means data regarding race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, denomination, other beliefs, fashion, association, foundation or union membership, health, sexual life, conviction and security measures, biometrical and genetic information;
Processing of Personal Data: means the processes carried out on data in order to prevent procurement, recording, storage, alteration, redeployment, disclosure, transfer, take-over, making obtainable, classification or utilization of personal data by means of fully or partially automated means or manually by being part of any data recording system.
The personal data that are processed by our Company are categorized as following:
Identity Information (Such as the information presented in identity card, driver license and passport)
Contact Information (Address, e-mail address, phone number, KEP address etc.)
Location Information
Employees’ personal information (payroll information, disciplinary proceeding, records of employment and termination of employment documents, Information on the declaration of property, information on curriculum vitae, information on performance evaluation, information on leaves etc.)
Information on Legal Procedures (Information in correspondence with judicial authorities, information in the lawsuit file etc.)
Information on Customer Transactions (Records, requests, instructions etc. related to goods and service offers)
Physical Space and Security Information (Record information with respect to entrances and exits of employees and visitors to and from the workplace, camera records etc.)
Process Security (IP address, web-site log in and log out information, password information etc.)
Risk Management (certificate of authority, specimen signature and information processed in order to manage commercial, technical and administrative risks)
Financial Information (balance sheet, financial performance, bank account information etc.)
Information on Occupational Experience (diploma information, courses received, vocational training, certificates etc.)
Marketing Information (information on the shopping history, records of surveys and cookies, information received through campaign activities)
Visual/Audio Information
Sensitive Personal Data (Criminal record; information regarding the state of health; religious affinity; information regarding penal conviction; racial data)
Other Information (information regarding the usages of vehicle that belongs to the Company; vehicle tracking system data; traffic fines; accident reports; occupation accident reports; vehicle possession documents; etc.)
To comply with the law and the principles of straightforwardness;
To be accurate and up-to-date whenever necessary;
To be processed for certain, obvious and legal purposes;
To be connected, limited and restrained with the objectives of processing;
To be stored as long as the period stipulated by the relevant legislation or required for the purposes of processing.
Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the above given principles within the scope of purposes listed below as per the 4th, 5th and 6th clauses of the Law:
Fulfilling the management and activities of our company in accordance with the legislation and company policies and procedures;
Fulfilling the liabilities that are assumed through the execution of Agreement, product and service conditions fully and accurately;
Complying with the legal liabilities;
Putting up the products and services offered by our Company for sale;
Establishing and maintaining the communication between supplier, business partners, external service providers and customers;
Executing the policies and processes of Human Resources;
Planning and implementing the information security and business continuity processes;
Procuring the physical, legal and commercial security of the Company, personnel, customers and other persons who are in a business relationship with the Company;
Carrying out the marketing analysis activities;
Carrying out communication and marketing activities;
Management of the employee and customer satisfaction;
Carrying out finance, accounting and operation processes;
Management of organizations and events;
Carrying out quality control processes through audit and execution of risk management activities;
Planning and conducting intracompany/external training activities;
Planning and conducting operational activities required for ensuring the execution of company activities in compliance with company procedures and/or relevant legislation;
Ensuring the security of company premises and facilities by means of generating and following up the visitor records;
Follow up of legal processes;
Informing the authorized persons, organizations and institutions.
Our company never use or sell your personal data for no purpose other than the above-listed purposes and its scope and activities. All kinds of technical and administrative precautions are taken by our Company in order to prevent your personal data to be processed or accessed illicitly and to ensure that your personal data are safely stored.
You can have access to detailed information concerning the reasons why your personal data are processed by our Company through ‘‘The Policy of Protecting and Processing Personal Data’’ which is given in the following web page: http://www.verychic.com.tr/kvkk
Your personal data may be transferred to our business partners, suppliers, shareholders, company officials, Group Companies/ shareholders/ authorized persons, 3rdpersons/institutions, which are required to gather your personal data because of the purpose of processing your personal data or to which to which we provide services and have an agreement, and public institutions and organizations which are legally authorized and legal persons of the private law, with respect to your explicit consent in order to fulfil the abovementioned process and objectives or even without seeking for your explicit consent in the cases written down in the second subparagraph of 5th clause of the Personal Data Protection Law ( a) in the cases it is explicitly stipulated by relevant laws, b) it is obligatory to protect the life or physical integrity of the person or someone else who is in a condition of expressing his/her consent due to physical impossibility or whose consent does not gain legal validity, c) it is necessary to process personal data owned by the parties of a contract on the condition that it is directly related with concluding or execution of a contract, d) it is made public by the relevant person through her/his own free will, e) it is mandatory to process data in order to establish, exercise or protect a right and f) it is obligatory to process data for the legitimate interests of data supervisor provided that fundamental rights and freedoms of the related person are not harmed.) and personal data regarding health and sexual life expressed in the third paragraph of the 6th clause may be transferred by the persons and authorized institutions and organizations who/which are under confidentiality obligation provided that the required measures are taken only in order to ensure public health and to render services like preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care and to plan and administer health services and financing and for the below-listed purposes:
Meeting information-document demand within the scope of legal authority of authorized state institutions and organizations and private law persons;
Execution of corporate law, commercial activities, activity management and corporate communication processes;
Planning, implementation and management of strategies regarding commercial activities of the Company; execution of monitoring, risk management and audit activities;
Execution of processes, commercial activities and customer complaint/lawsuit processes which require participation of group companies;
Managing the processes regarding goods and services that are procured extraneously and getting support, audit and consultancy services;
Fulfilling the objectives of establishing the business partnership and customer services.
You can have access to detailed information concerning the transfer of your personal data by our Company through ‘‘The Policy of Protecting and Processing Personal Data’’ which is given in the following web-page: http://www.verychic.com.tr/kvkk
Your personal data may be gathered by our group companies, business partners and 3rd persons/institutions, which are required to gather your personal data because of the purpose of processing your personal data or to which to which we provide services and have an agreement, either automatically or manually as being a part of data recording system or through documents and information that you submit verbally, electronically or in writing.
4.1 Your personal data may be processed with respect to your explicit consent pursuant to 5(1) clause of the Law but, without seeking for your explicit consent if the following conditions, specified in 5(2) clause of the Law, exist:
It is clearly stipulated by Laws.
It is obligatory to protect the life or physical integrity of the person or someone else who is in a condition of expressing his/her consent due to physical impossibility or whose consent does not gain legal validity.
It is necessary to process personal data owned by the parties of a contract on the condition that it is directly related with concluding or execution of a contract
It is required in order to enable data supervisor to perform her/his obligations.
It is made public by the relevant person through her/his own free will.
It is mandatory to process data in order to establish, exercise or protect a right.
It is obligatory to process data for the legitimate interests of data supervisor provided that fundamental rights and freedoms of the related person are not harmed.
4.2 Your sensitive personal data other than health and sexual life can be processed with regard to your explicit consent in accordance with the clause 6(2) of Law or in the cases stipulated in the Laws in accordance with the clause 6(3).
4.3 Your sensitive personal data concerning health and sexual life may be processed with regard to your explicit consent in accordance with the clause 6(2) of Law. In the event that you did not give your explicit consent, you sensitive personal data concerning health and sexual life may be processed only by the persons and authorized institutions and organizations who/which are under confidentiality obligation in order to ensure public health and to render services like preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care and to plan and administer health services and financing.
Pursuant to 11th clause of the Law, you can apply to our Company regarding your personal data in order to:
Learn whether your personal data are processed or not and whether your personal data are used according to declared purposes or not and learn the reason why your data are processed and demand information regarding processing your personal data in case it is processed;
Learn the third parties to whom your data are transferred within the borders of our country or abroad pursuant to Law;
Ask for correction in case your data are processed deficiently or improperly;
Request your personal data to be erased or destroyed within the frame of provisions stipulated by the Law;
Ask our Company to notify the third parties, to whom your personal data are transferred, regarding your request to correct, erase or destroy your personal data;
Object to any negative consequence that you face due to the fact that your personal data are exclusively analysed through automated systems;
Demand to be indemnified in case you suffer a loss since your personal data are processed illegally.
In order to exercise your rights concerning implementation of the Law, you can apply to our Company by filling ‘‘Data Owner Application Form’’ which is provided in the following address: http://www.verychic.com.tr/kvkk and send this application form via the method, specified below. In case any new application method is defined by the Board of Protection of Personal Data, such methods will be announced by us.
Delivering a copy of the Application Form bearing the wet signature in person by hand or through public notary to the address of “VERY CHIC ZENGİN HÜSEYİN SOKAK NO 9 GÜMBBET BODRUM MUĞLA” after the Data Owner Application Form is filled out.
Sending the Data Owner Application Form bearing a secure electronic signature to ceylanotelcilik@hs01.kep.tr via registered electronic mail after the Application Form is filled out and signed by means of ‘‘secure electronic signature’’ within the scope of Electronic Signature Act numbered 5070.
Your applications within this scope will be finalized as soon as possible and maximum within 30 days. Such applications are free of charge for now. However, in case that The Board of Protection of Personal Data designates a fee then, a fee can be charged in compliance with this tariff.
The following information shall be included in the Application pursuant to legislation and in case of any deficiency your application will not be put into process. Accordingly, the following information shall accompany the information regarding your request in your applications:
Your name, surname and your signature if it is a printed copy;
Republic of Turkey Identity Number for the citizens of Republic of Turkey and nationality, passport number or identity number for foreigners;
Residence address or workplace address used for the correspondence;
Electronic mail address, phone and fax number used for the correspondence;
The request matter shall be explicitly stated.
Respectfully submitted for your information.
Ceylan Otelcilik ve Turistik İşletmeler A.Ş.